Monday, September 26, 2011

Opportunities in Healthcare

Bett Martinez • There are great opportunities in health care if we can put “care” back in. I keep talking this up to any Silicon Valley VC I meet...unfortunately, (to my mind) they seem to be seeing opportunities only in tech sectors, like IT, social media.

My sense is that healthcare is needing much more "face-to-face". In today's terms, it would be "coaching", navigating.

But I remember the time when basic needs were met by Grandmothers! They had all kinds of remedies, both tangible and emotional, at their beck and call, and not until those were exhausted would they send family members forth to doctors and /or emergency rooms. There was rarely an error in their form of triage.

An American doctor proposed some time ago that this art be developed as a training.
Can say more, but only if interest is sparked.

Bett Martinez, M.Ed.
Broker / Consultant
Bay Area

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Stanford Hospital Ends Terminates Anthem Blue Cross

Stanford Hospital recently terminated its contract with Anthem Blue Cross health insurance company.
This means that some patients who have Anthem insurance might have to find different physicians, receive authorization from Anthem to continue to use Stanford's medical facilities, or have their copay changes.

More information can be found here: Palo Alto Online article or here: ABC Local News

However, what does this mean for Medicare?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Anna Halprin Dance

Recently found an amazing video about Anna Halprin, a famous post-modern dance choreographer.
It features not only her dances, but also the philosophy behind the movement. 

Study shows that Tai Chi helps quality of life

Heart failure patients may experience improvements in their quality of life and mood by participating in a tai chi exercise program, a randomized study suggested.

To find out more, read this article! 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Goodsearch- Browse and Donate to Charity

Check out Goodsearch!

With this search engine, every time you make a search, a donation goes to a charity or a non-profit organization. You can even pick which organization will receive the donation!

If you want to find out more about this website, read this excellent CNN article here.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Adam Milgram's Blog

Check out this blog by Adam Milgram:
A psycho spiritual perspective on living.

He is a psychologist with a lot of experience who is keenly interested in unity, harmony, a most gratifying way of living life. A lot can be learned from what he writes.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Golden State Meets Sunshine State

Here is a thorough analysis of Judge Vinson's opinion by Judge Jost:

Federal District Court Judge Roger Vinson’s 78-page opinion in State of Florida v. United States Department of Health and Human Services is a remarkable piece of work.  This decision, concluding a case brought by twenty-six state governors or attorneys general (in addition to two private parties and a business association, the National Federation of Independent Businesses), strikes down in its entirety the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as unconstitutional. 

Read more here! 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Florida's Healthcare Market

The American Medical Association found out that Blue Cross Blue Shield and United Healthcare control more than half of Florida's health care market. For more information, read this article here. 

But does this study include Medicare – Advantage Plans and also Medigap?  
Does it include AARP, which is United Health in non-profit clothing?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Wellness Benefits of Meditation

The Huffington Post reports a scientific study which credibly demonstrates the many benefits of meditation. In the course of three month, meditators had improved vision, cognition, and psychological well-being. Even more impressively, the meditation led to anti-aging benefits, with resistance to aging at the cellular level.
The scientists emphasize that meditation does not lead directly to cellular health and longevity. Instead, the practice appears to give people an increased sense of meaning and purpose in life, which in turn leads to an increased sense of control over their lives and to less negative emotion. This cascade of emotional and psychological changes is what regulates the levels of telomerase, the anti-aging enzyme.
It's well known that stress -- and distress -- lead to poor health, including a decline of telomerase and its healing properties. What hasn't been known -- and what these studies are beginning to document -- is the exact order of psychological and physiological events in this chain and, what's more, that this chain of events can be reversed.
According to Wray Herbert, the author of this piece, "Positivity appears to be the link between meditative practice and a variety of health benefits."

What Makes You Happy?

"Live long and prosper" is a phrase all Star Trek fans know as a Vulcan greeting. 

So, does this mean you have to prosper in order to live long? Recent studies seem to support this idea. For instance, 
According to the findings, patients with the highest incomes had only 35% of the risk of dying during the study period as those in the lowest income group. In addition, those in the highest education group had only 26% of the risk of death during the study period, compared with those in the lowest education bracket.
 How does happiness fit in? Are rich people happier as well as healthier? According to a recent Gallup report, they are.

But is it the chicken or the egg? Are rich people happier because they're healthier? Do poor people get sick because they can't afford to eat well and work out at costly gyms?

We invite you to share your thoughts!

Another Approach to the Mandate?

Noted healthcare blogger Alan  Katz, a long time insurance broker and consultant, has made a proposal that seems pragmatic and will allow insurers to be protected from higher claims while making it incentivizing the public to buy in to private health insurance before they need it.

Writing on February 7, Katz proposes:

The PPACA imposes a fee (or a tax, depending on whom you ask and when) if an individual fails to obtain health insurance. This is the constitutional weak-link in the law. Those asking the courts to overturn the law describe this approach as Congress forcing Americans to engage in an economic activity or pay the equivalent of a fine to the government.
Instead of this government-centric approach, I proposed replacing the fine with alternatives enabling carriers to protect themselves from consumers who have waited until they are on their way to a hospital before seeking coverage. As has happened in New York and New Jersey, without such protections premiums skyrocket even faster and higher than medical inflation would normally require. Creating an open enrollment period (perhaps the applicant’s birth month) would counteract this dynamic. Allowing carriers to set premiums higher for those who have gone without coverage and to exclude pre-existing condition for some period of time, would help keep the cost of insurance lower, too. (These are financial disincentives imposed on individuals who fail to maintain medical insurance. Fairness would dictate that these disincentives should be commensurate with how long the individual went without coverage, thus the limited time during which a premium surcharge or benefit exclusion would be permitted).
Carriers would not be obliged to impose these penalties. If they were commanded to do so by law some would argue they are simply agents of the government and the Administration would be back defending the constitutionality of a government-imposed individual mandate. By allowing, but not forcing, carriers to use an open enrollment period, increase premiums, or exclude coverage for existing conditions, the government is out of the equation. And so are constitutional challenges – at least to this provision.
The impact of this approach on other provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is minimal. In fact, by shifting the enforcement of personal responsibility from the IRS to private carriers this alternative might even save money overall.

Florida Cheers Healthcare Ruling

Will everyone getting healthcare make people healthier? Or are people healthier because of the way they live? Studies have shown that lifestyle improvement makes a huge difference in cost of care, longevity and even happiness.

Even if Florida Judge Vinson's ruling stands and destroys Obamacare, will that somehow make people sick (literally speaking)?

We want to invite your comments on this question!

Free Care Does Not Guarantee Health

Is it enough to have health insurance, no matter how much it costs, even if it's free? Is good health guaranteed when you have access to health care- doctors, drugs, and hospitals?

According to a study in Health Affairs, it's not enough.

People of high income and education live healthier and longer than people of low socioeconomic status. What do you think is the reason for that?

This should make Judge Vinson and all the anti-mandate folks happy.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Reduce stress to prevent second heart attack

Here's something interesting that your intuition may have told you: 
Reduce stress to prevent second heart attack 
At the beginning of February, which is American Heart Month in the US and Heart Month in Canada, a new report shows how stress management, along with physical activity and healthy eating, serves as a lifestyle choice that may prevent heart disease. 
STUDY: In Sweden, 362 men and women discharged from the hospital after a coronary heart disease event within the previous 12 months participated in a randomized controlled clinical trial. About half (170 people) received traditional care and 192 patients received traditional care plus cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). The CBT therapy-consisting of education, self-monitoring, skills training, cognitive restructuring and spiritual development-was delivered in 20 two-hour sessions over one year. 
FINDINGS: During an average 94 months of follow-up, people in the CBT group had a 41% lower rate of both fatal and non-fatal heart events, 45% fewer recurrent heart attacks and a non-significantly lower rate of death (28%) than patients in the traditional care group. Attending a higher proportion of the therapy sessions was associated with a further reduction in risk. 

COMMENT: "These results imply that, to affect cardiovascular disease or coronary heart disease end points, the interventions need to be long-term (possibly six to 12 months), be conducted in groups and include specific techniques for altering behavior," the authors wrote.... "This demonstrates the potential efficacy of adding CBT to secondary preventive programs after acute myocardial infarction [heart attack] for better patient adherence to treatment and better outcome."

SOURCE: Archives of Internal Medicine, 171[2]:134-140 (January 24, 2011)